Proven cable route engineering

The need for detailed cable route planning is integral to the planning and consent process for offshore projects. Hydrofix possesses a wide ranging knowledge of cable route engineering within the offshore environment and provide technical expertise, experience and qualifications across all relevant disciplines.

The Hydrofix team have worked with developers / asset owners and operators and cable installation contractors to provide support through all phases cable route development and their assocated surveys.

Extensive cable route engineering services

From the desktop assessment through to detailed survey planning and site execution and resultant cable installation, Hydrofix can provide a service package to ensure the successful routing and installation of your cable.

Hydrofix can provide a single-source solution or indiviual elements of the service, allowing clients to access only those services they require.

We can provide the following services:

  • Early feasibility assessment
  • Complete Desk Top Study & Cable Burial Risk Assessment
  • UXO Consultancy
  • Site visits and evaluation
  • Site investigation planning and delivery support
  • Data QA and analysis
  • Cable Route Engineering
  • Construction Support